Online DTP & Design Services
 P R I N T P U B L I S H I N G » Service offers print design of various document creations for print production such as ads, logos, business cards, brochures, flyers, newsletters, etc., including printing supervision & service bureau file preparation. |
 D I G I T A L I M A G I N G » Service offers image / photo editing and design of various image creations for print or web production such as element designs, illustrations, color corrections, photo colorizations & restorations, etc., including image / photo scanning. |
 W E B P U B L I S H I N G » Service offers web design of various document creations and functions for website production such as html pages, pdf documents, submit forms, slide shows, shopping carts, etc., including search engine optimization (seo) and website maintenance & updating. |
 I N T E R N E T R E S E A R C H » Service offers online research assistance to locate, gather and document compile data resource information topics for print and web used in articles, databases, html pages, pdf documents, reports, spreadsheets, etc., including internet, phone, or in-person local searching. |
 C A M P A I G N M A R K E T I N G » Service offers various types of applied marketing strategies for print and web to enhance service or product awareness for campaign advertising such as ads, articles, blogs, e-news, social media, and direct mail pieces including content writing and campaign management. |
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DTP & Design Service Rates Available by project estimate for different dtp services offered.
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" Specializing in Content Organization, Writing, & Design "
Desktop Publishing Service Aim Information content organization, writing, and design work hand in hand in dtp media for both print and web publishing. Successful published works depend on how well these elements are combined, coordinated, organized, and executed for presentation.
That's why it is our goal at TechLand Creations to help make your published works for presentation be successful. We will help you organize and integrate your information content and design elements into a pleasing display that will effectively communicate to your intended target audience.
What We Do
We work with you to achieve the presentation you have in mind for your project needs. We will assist you in finding the most effective presentation that works for your dtp and marketing needs through the process of;
- analyzing your marketing needs
- discussing your needs and wants
- providing focus outlines, guidance and input
- gathering and organizing information content
- strategizing an effective functional suitable design
- implementing layout presentation techniques
- incorporating relevant design elements and styling
- creating custom designed print and web templates
- design coordinating for print and web pieces
- preserving design presentation across devices
- optimizing digital works using workflow SEO methods
We can also incorporate your existing print or web design pieces to compliment new project pieces. We know how important design coordination in your presentation affects brand recognition from your target market and we will make the best effort to achieve this with you. Learn more about our applied marketing techniques used for ALL of our print and web services. And, be sure to see our Free Website Extras.
Our Services TechLand Creations offers several types of dtp services that can be utilized for your convenience. Whether you are looking for a Desktop Publisher, Print Publisher or Print Designer, a Graphic Designer or Image Editor, a Web Publisher, Website Designer or Web Developer, a Content Writer, a Internet Researcher, or a Campaign Marketer —we are all of these— and have many desktop publishing services available to serve your project scope needs.
TechLand Creations is a dedicated desktop publishing and design service company offering technical assistance for various publishing tasks for print and web production. Our electronic digital publishing services utilize the Global Internet Communications industry to provide desktop publishing services world wide.
We always offer complimentary project consulting to guide you with your unique project needs. Please feel free to check out our various desktop publishing & design services offered.
You may request our dtp services via our DTP & Design Service Request form. If TechLand Creations can be of service to you, please contact us with your project request! Technical assistance for creative publishing — "dtp with TLC" !

"Being able to service the communications industry is such rewarding work, TechLand Creations is proud to be a contributor towards facilitating different types of communication and especially toward making it visually pleasing".
Brooke A. Haney — DTP Specialist